Fakin' The Funk? a tool that helps you to detect the true quality of your audio-files in one-batch. Mr. Funk will analyze the right bitrate and frequency. If it finds a wrong bitrate or lower frequency-peak, he will show you the actual bitrate.
* Automated batch-processing
* Easy-to-use interface
* Free (for the 1st 100 detected fake files)
* Lifetime-updates (when donated to full-version)
* Cannot be fooled by audio-optimizers like Platinum Notes
* Besides fake files, it detects corrupted and un-readable files aswell
* Supports all popular lossy and lossless audio file-formats
* Ultra-fast processing using multiple threads to speed up the analysis
* Drag-and-drop support e.g. to Mp3Tag or Windows-Explorer
* Shows frequency cut-off, using its built-in Spectrum analyser
* Listen to audio-files directly, using its built-in player
* Translated manually into English, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch (...more to come!)